Graduation Guide
Chalmette High School
Graduation Guide
Class of 2025
Please read this information carefully. It will provide you with answers to many of your questions concerning graduation.
There are many requirements that must be met in order to receive a high school diploma. Students must pass necessary coursework, credentials, LEAP exams, and meet attendance requirements. In addition, students must clear all debts and serve any detentions or time owed for credits. To ensure seniors meet all requirements for graduation, they must be cleared by a counselor or administrator the last day of their last semester. The procedures for gaining this clearance are listed below. Only those students cleared for graduation may participate in the Graduation Ceremony.
January Graduates
By Monday, January 6, students must have passed all necessary course work. This includes turning in projects, passing exams, etc. Students must also return all Chromebooks, textbooks, calculators, library books and extracurricular uniforms. Debts must be paid for library fines, lost books, athletic or band equipment, etc. Please understand that everything owed must be cleared, and all course work must be completed by Monday, January 6.
Students will take 1st and 3rd period exams on Thursday, December 19 and 2nd and 4th period exams on Friday, December 20. On January 6, prospective January Graduates will receive a form to be completed by all of their teachers indicating whether the student has passed or failed. This form must be returned to a counselor in the cafeteria at 1:00pm on Monday, January 6. Students will also return Chromebooks and chargers at this time.
Virtual January Graduates
All virtual coursework must be completed by MONDAY, December 16. Exams are embedded in the virtual course. If a LEAP exam is needed to graduate, students must come to the campus to take those exams.
Virtual January graduates will check out in the cafeteria at 1:00pm on January 6. If you borrowed a Chromebook (with charger), please return them at this time. If you owe a debt from a previous year, you may clear these debts at this time.
May Graduates
By Thursday, April 24, students must have passed all necessary course work. This includes turning in projects, passing exams, etc. Students must also return all Chromebooks, textbooks, calculators, library books and extracurricular uniforms. Debts must be paid for library fines, lost books, athletic or band equipment, etc. Please understand that everything owed must be cleared, and all course work must be completed by Thursday, April 24.
Seniors will take their 2nd and 4th period exams on Wednesday, April 23, and 1st and 3rd period exams on Thursday, April 24. On Wednesday and Thursday, April 23 and 24, seniors must have their teachers complete a form indicating if the student has passed or failed. This form must be returned to a counselor in the main gym after their 3rd period exam on Thursday, April 24. Seniors will also return Chromebooks and chargers at this time.
Virtual May Graduates
All virtual coursework must be completed by Thursday, April 24. Exams are embedded in the virtual course. If a LEAP exam is needed to graduate, students must come to the campus to take those exams.
Virtual January graduates will check out in the gym at 1:00pm on April 24. If you borrowed a Chromebook (with charger), please return them at this time and clear all debts.
State Tests (LEAP 2025) and State Required Courses
A student cannot graduate or walk across the stage unless he/she has passed all needed LEAP 2025 tests. If you have questions about this, see Ms. Landry.
State Attendance Requirements
The Louisiana State Department of Education requires students to be in attendance at school for a specific number of days in order to receive credit. If a student is told that he/she must return to school to satisfy this requirement, the student must return in uniform every school day until the specific amount of time is made up. Failure to do so will result in the student not graduating.
Scholarship Notification
If you have been awarded a scholarship, we would like to recognize you as a scholarship recipient during the ceremony and in the program. Please send a copy of the award letter you receive to Ms. Landry or forward an e-mail notification to . Information must be received no later than Friday, April 25 in order to print your scholarship information in the graduation program.
Community Service Diploma Endorsement
Students completing a minimum of 80 documented community service hours by April 25 will receive the Louisiana Community Service Diploma Endorsement. Graduates will be recognized in the graduation program and will receive a special seal on their diploma. Students should turn in all service hours to Mrs. Watson. A tracking form can be downloaded from the Community Service Endorsement page on our website under the Academics tab or picked up from the counselors office or Room 119.
Additional Information
Nunez Dual Enrollment Credit – All Nunez Community College classes must be completed by the last day of the semester as per the Nunez CC academic calendar.
FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) – All students attending a college, university, or trade school must complete the FAFSA at FAFSA will determine your eligibility for grants, scholarships, and loans. FAFSA is also the application for all TOPS Scholarships.
LOSFA Form – Seniors must have a signed LOSFA form on file. Students cannot qualify for TOPS Scholarships without giving consent to send records to the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Aid. This also gives permission for Louisiana colleges and universities to view your transcript without having to send one after graduation.
Graduation Specifics
- Graduation Rehearsals – Tuesday, April 29
- Graduate Checkout Day – Wednesday, April 30
- Graduation Cap and Gown Distribution – Wednesday, April 30
- Honor Graduate Recognition Ceremony – Friday, May 2
- Grad Walk – Thursday, May 8
- Graduation Ceremony – Thursday, May 8
Students must be available to participate in graduation preparations from April 25 through May 16. Do not plan on taking trips during these three weeks. Keep your school uniform until graduation takes place. You will be required to wear your uniform to rehearsal.
Graduation Rehearsal
All prospective graduates who plan to participate in the graduation ceremony must report to the CHS main gym at 7:45 A.M. on Tuesday, April 29, for rehearsal.
You must be present at this rehearsal to participate in graduation.
All graduates must be in full uniform for rehearsals. Plan to stay until 12:30 P.M. Even if you had early release, you must stay until the end of rehearsal. If you have a job and need a letter to your employer to have you excused during graduation rehearsal, senior checkout, and/or graduation day, tell Mrs. McCormick in the school office by Friday, April 11.
Graduate Checkout Day
All seniors, including January graduates, must check out on Wednesday, April 30. Students who are cleared for graduation will receive their caps, gowns, and their graduation ceremony admission tickets. Your presence is required at the assigned time slot below. Students must wear their school uniform.
Students should meet in the main gym at the following times in uniform:
Last name A - B |
8:30 A.M. |
Last name N – R |
11:00 A.M. |
Last name C - D |
9:00 A.M. |
Last name S - T |
11:30 A.M. |
Last name E - G |
9:30 A.M. |
Last name U - Z |
12:00 P.M. |
Last name H - K |
10:00 A.M. |
All Rowley students |
12:00 P.M. |
Last name L - M |
10:30 A.M. |
Grad Walk
On graduation morning, graduating seniors may choose to participate in the Grad Walk where they will walk the halls of the seven St. Bernard Parish public elementary schools in their cap and gowns. Seniors must sign up to participate on Graduate Checkout Day and meet in the main cafeteria at 8:00am on Thursday, May 8. Students must ride the assigned school bus to each school for the event. All buses should return to CHS by 12:00pm.
Graduation Ceremony
Graduation will be on Thursday, May 8, at 6:00pm on the CHS Football Field. Students must be on the field in their seat by 4:30pm in the cap and gown. The gates for guests will open at 5:00pm. Students may not wear any cords or medallions during the ceremony not issued by Chalmette High School. Only CHS honor cords and stoles may be worn.
Graduating with Honors
All January and May graduates’ grade point averages and class rank are determined as of Friday, April 25.If you do have a grade point average of 3.3 or higher and achieve a composite score of 20 or higher on the ACT, you will be notified on Wednesday, April 30, at graduate checkout that you are graduating with honors and will receive an invitation to the Honor Graduate Recognition Ceremony to be held on Friday, May 2 at 6:00 P.M.
Graduation Admission Tickets
Each graduate will receive 8 tickets to the graduation ceremony. You may purchase as many graduation announcements from Balfour as you wish, but you will only receive a total of 8 tickets for admittance to the ceremony. Tickets will be given out at Graduation Checkout on April 30 to those students cleared to participate.
Dress for Graduation Day and Honors Banquet
Young men must wear a collared dress shirt, dress slacks, dress shoes, dress socks, and a tie.
Young ladies must dress in modest dress clothes and dress shoes.
The school officials reserve the right to deny your participation in the ceremony if you are not dressed appropriately. We also reserve the right to withhold the diploma of any individual who behaves inappropriately during any portion of the ceremony and to have him/her removed.
Cap and Gown Required
Graduates must wear the cap and gown selected by the school and purchased through Balfour Co. (504 833-7330). Caps and gowns from previous years are not permitted because color dyes for the cloth change each year. If you have questions about the cap, gown, and diploma cover, ask Mrs. Mae Gregoire (504 301-2600).
Graduate Conduct
In order to graduate on stage, seniors must abide by the St. Bernard Parish School Board dress code and behavior regulations through graduation night. If a senior has a major disciplinary problem or does not abide by the dress code, he/she will be denied participation in the graduation ceremony.
Internet and TV Viewing of Ceremony
The graduation ceremony will be shown live via internet streaming. The internet stream of the graduation ceremony will be sent throughout the United States and internationally. More detailed information about this will be given to the graduates at rehearsal.
Official transcripts are not available for May graduates until after June 2. State colleges have access to a computer record of graduates’ transcripts as long as there is a signed LOSFA form on file, so every graduate does not have to get a transcript. If a college tells you that you need a transcript for some special reason, you must fill out a transcript request form on the senior page under the Academics tab of the school’s website,
If you have any questions about graduation, call Mrs. Watson at (504) 301-2600.
We’re glad you came our way! Go Owls!!