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Chalmette High School Owls

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Graduation Requirements

Students must earn the minimum units of required credits, obtain the necessary credentials required for high school graduation, pass all necessary components of the LEAP 2025 Tests, and meet FAFSA REQUIREMENTS.  LEAP 2025 Tests are administered during the state testing window for the following courses: Algebra I, Geometry, English I, English II, Biology, and U.S. History.

A student becomes eligible to graduate at the end of the semester in which he completes his program. Each student shall be advised and counseled concerning the requirements for graduation. The responsibility for scheduling the necessary courses is that of the student and his parents.

TOPS Diploma & Jumpstart Diploma Side by Side

CHS Jump Start Pathways and Credentials

TOPS University Diploma

Jumpstart Diploma

CHS Scheduling Document

High School Assessments